Friday, January 25, 2008

Selling out your rights ...

Like yesterday, I direct you to Greenwald. Like yesterday, he highlights a Dem lawmaker who's been bought and paid for by the telecom industry to cover their collective ass in the warrantless wiretap debacle. Unlike yesterday, it's not Harry Reid who's been co-opted, but Jay Rockefeller:


But ponder the "win" that is giving him these feelings of immense self-satisfaction. Is he finally accomplishing what Democrats were given control of Congress to do: namely, impose some checks and limits on the administration? No. The opposite is true. Rockefeller is doing the bidding of Dick Cheney. The bill that he is working for is the bill the White House demanded. Rockefeller is supported by the entire Bush administration, urged on and funded by the nation's most powerful telecoms, and is backed by the entire GOP caucus in the Senate.


He is being allowed to win only because he is advancing the Bush agenda and those of his largest corporate donors, and waging war against members of his own party, acting to destroy the allegedly defining values of that party. Yet he's so desperate to feel like he's won something that this is enough to cause him to strut around giddily battling feelings of cockiness over his impending "win." At least he's being honest here about whom he represents. [my ems]


The nation will never move toward progressive principles of honesty, ethics, and good government until paid shills like Rockefeller, Reid, Feinstein, and others are held up for what they are, ridiculed, and then drummed out of the party. Then it would be time to do some 'urban renewal' on K Street; clean out all the lobbying firms and remove the money from the process.

You know, it's bad enough having to worry about the Republicans constantly trying to screw the nation, it really torques my sphincter that we have to worry about the people on our side too. With Dems like these, who needs Republicans?

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