Sunday, January 13, 2008

"There will be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office."

We've been party to the widespread conjecture that The Chimp may not honor 20 January 2009 as his last day in office. In this article by Walter C. Uhler there's just the teensiest hint that propels said conjecture forward. A 'recommended read'.

Thus, with blood on his hands and with the need to appear relevant - while Americans flock to the polls to select a candidate, any candidate, to replace their disgraceful butcher of Baghdad - Bush meets with Palestinian Authority President Abbas and predicts: "There will be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office." What an idiot!

Such words, alone, make you realize that Bush's prediction -- "There will be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office." -- is pure bullshit. Bullshit that ranks right up there with "Mission Accomplished," and "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."

If Bush follows the law, and he's got a great record on that, about the Constitutional (another great record) limit to his term of office, that would be absolutely true, and I hope it is, Mr. Uhler, but maybe that idiot is hinting that he knows something you don't. If it takes 40 years to get 'a signed peace treaty' and Bush is planning to stay in office until he's a little over a hundred years old, this could turn out to be the case.

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