Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"Townspeople armed with scythes and pitchforks..."

Well, not quite, but it won't be long...

From Liberal Talk Radio:

Mob of angry Republicans chase Hannity through streets, chant "FOX News sucks!"

I just can't make this stuff up!

Ron Paul supporters really hate FOX Noise. Here, they let Sean Hannity know how they feel.

As much as I'd like to add a rather sarcastic and witty comment to this, I... just... can't. Just watch the video.

As much as I'd like to add a rather sarcastic and witty comment to this, I... just... can't. Just watch the video.

This is getting better and better! I think I like primary season as a spectator sport. It's kinda like the Daytona 500 - mostly it's boring, but I love to watch the crashes...

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