Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A week off ...

And I still have no idea who to vote for in the NY primary on 'Super Duper-Most Excellent-Holy Shit-Tsunami-Tuesday".

One thing that keeps popping into my head as I think about it, the one issue that always comes back to nag at me, is 'do I want another Clinton in the White House?' Not that I have a problem with the way Bill ran the show, nor do I think Hillary is unqualified mind you, but the old equation keeps coming back to me. We've had 12 years of House Bush sandwiching 8 years of Clinton, potentially 16 years if Hillary wins.

Am I the only one who feels like we're living in a monarchy?

Maybe it's time for a whole new fresh look at America? The thing about Obama that nags at me too, is that he seems a little too close to God. Hopefully, he reads his scriptures differently than the Rethug Jesus freaks.

I'll probably make up my mind as I stand in the voting booth next week.

Why couldn't Edwards have done better? He's the one I actually have the confidence in to do what is necessary to bring this nation back from the precipice Bush has us perched on. I just hope he'll be able to work in the new administration, regardless of who wins.

So much for fair. If shit were fair, we wouldn't have had to put up with Preznit Drooly McJackhole for the last 7 years. One good thing though (and it will be confirmed this evening), is watching Rudy's slow-motion crash and burn on the Rethug side. Our good pal, UL:

Thrice married serial adulterer and America's 9-11 Mayor's Florida firewall strategy has vaulted him down to fourth place, behind Huckafucknut - and clinging [to] a single-digit lead over fast closing nemesis Ron Paul.


Been a long time coming.

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