Monday, January 7, 2008

Why Obama is winning ...

Oliver Willis hits it directly on the head:

... Undboutedly [sic] people are excited about the prospect of a woman president, but I think it's safe to say that the possibility of a black president would present an even more fundamental shift in the basic fabric of what America is ...

Indeed. People of every stripe (and plaids too) have had enough of the 'status quo' and Obama represents the farthest thing from it. People see him as an agent of change because he has the most obvious differences with the run of the mill candidates. It's easier to believe Obama will bring change than Hillary, who's been part of the 'machine' for the last 35 years, regardless of her protestations.


And just a thought before I head to work. That doesn't mean I think Obama is the best thing for the country right now. We are in a deep hole and there is something to be said about having someone in charge who's been on the pointy end of a crisis. Say what you will about Hillary 'only' being a First Lady, but she was there with Bill when he fixed the 'Reagan Economy'. She was there with him in Kosovo and during the peace talks in Northern Ireland. She's right when she says experience counts. Thing is, I can't say Hil would be the ticket either. It's a tough time because the person we choose must be able to provide the leadership to get us out of this mess, not make it worse. We need an FDR right now and I'm not sure either of them is it.

Off to the shop ...

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