Saturday, February 23, 2008

63 Years Ago Today

Everybody has seen the famous photo of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, but not everybody knows that there were two flag raisings that day. The Marines that raised the first one were just as brave and in just as much danger, and they were there first. Nobody's ever heard of those guys, so this one's for them.

The first flagraising atop Mount Suribachi, February 23, 1945. Hank Hansen (without helmet), Boots Thomas (seated), John Bradley (behind Thomas) Phil Ward (hand visible grasping pole), Jim Michaels (with carbine) and Chuck Lindberg (behind Michaels).
Photo by Lou Lowery. 10AM, Feb. 23, 1945

The first flag comes down as the second flag goes up.
Photo by Bob Campbell.

Please go read this post I did three years ago, and see more Iwo Jima photos here.

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