Sunday, February 17, 2008

The American Legacy ...

It kills me to hear people speak of going to war cavalierly. The costs of war* go far beyond the price of bullets and guns, missiles and bombs:

... In the 3,160 villages in the southern part of Vietnam within the Agent Orange spraying zone, 800,000 people continue to suffer serious health problems and are in need of constant medical attention ...

More than 30 years after that war, the consequences of our actions are still manifesting themselves. We're seeing it in Iraq now too:

... Between 30 to 40 children per month are born with defects attributed to their mothers inhalation of radioactive dust from depleted uranium rounds. The American army used depleted uranium during the last war and this was confirmed by a German team who visited Irak recently and were able to obtain a missile which proved after checking that the American forces used depleted uranium [my em]...

After Johnny comes marching home, his legacy remains behind for generations.

*Images at link might be disturbing.

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