Sunday, February 17, 2008

And now, something a little different

This band used to play around here quite a bit and we've been to see them several times. Always a great show. Made people dance. Made ladies' boobs fall out of their dresses.

We saw them perform at Sand Harbor (scroll down and see pictures) once. It's right on the shore of Lake Tahoe, and even though it was July it got down into the 30s after sundown that evening. Queen Ida started the evening in a diaphanous top and ended up in a ski jacket donated by someone in the crowd who didn't want her to freeze to death in the middle of the show.

That's her husband playing the chest washboard. Cool ol' dude. The clip is from the '80s and Ida is older now, but she's still got it.

So for your listening and dancing pleasure, I present a little quintessential American chanky-chank music. Laissez les bon temps roulet...

Question: How come we only get the really good American music off foreign TV?

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