Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bush is an un-American SOB, period.

The Last Chance Democracy Cafe

Normally we here at The Last Chance Democracy Cafe try to avoid using language quite this abrasive: effective advocacy, after all, should grow out of strong arguments and solid evidence, not from the screeching of insults.

But every once in awhile, I guess, only screeching will do.

In the years that have followed Sep. 11, 2001, George W. Bush has, of course, repeatedly manipulated the fear Americans feel over terrorism for political gain. He does this in a particularly reprehensible way — working to actually stoke, rather than to retard, the fear, so that he can use it as a tool for turning one American against another. Then, like some evil alien parasite from a Star Trek episode, he’s feasts on the resulting hatred to his political benefit.

There is some good news, however: fear, it turns out, has a limited shelf life. As I said recently, “But the thing about being scared all the time is that people will only cower in fear for so long before saying, screw it, and getting on with their lives.” And sure enough, Bush’s political manipulation of the fear of terrorism is starting to lose its punch: so much so, in fact, that House Democrats are actually showing signs of fighting back.

'Bout fuckin' time. A weak response is better than none, I suppose.

The point, you see, isn’t that history will eventually judge him to have been a very bad president, which, of course, it will — probably the worst ever. No, what he should really be worried about is that history will judge him to have been a very bad American.

But a good Repuglican. Money and power are their God, and Bush is their Chimp King. Sure, there's a little collateral damage to millions of peasants (us), but the Great Unwashed (us) isn't really important in the scheme of things as long as they don't get wind of what the Masters are up to and rise up. Bread and Circuses and misdirection prevent that. Go shopping and Trust your Betters.

It's starting to not work for them.

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