Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bye-bye, Mittster

Don't let it hit ya in the ass.

CNN is now reporting that 3 GOP sources tell them that Republican Mitt Romney will suspend his presidential campaign. Romney underperformed on Super Tuesday and it now appears he has no chance of beating Senator John McCain for the GOP nod. Goodbye, Mittens ...

Now it's time to beat up McCain.


And I just had to steal this from Jason, the Intern Gone Bad:

Did you hear Scary Plastic Mormon Dude just dropped out of the race? The republican game is over, and they're stuck with a candidate who the base hates. It's a good day to be an American! There's a general air of depression in the world of right wing punditry today and that is always a beautiful thing to see. Game over, fuckers! It doesn't matter who the dems choose. You lose. America wins. Sort of.

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