Friday, February 15, 2008

Campaign Starts to Push John Conyers to Begin Impeachment Proceedings...

...and the hell with Nancy Pelosi. Jonathan Turley

It has been well-known that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has insisted that there will be no impeachment of President Bush during her term. Activists, however, have reported that John Conyers may be considering confronting Pelosi and starting such proceedings after a meeting in his office. They have started a campaign to show Conyers that he will have the support of the Democratic base, even if he lacks the support of Democratic leadership.

The meeting and campaign is detailed here.

This follows Mukasey’s bizarre rationalization of why he will not allow a criminal investigation into the Bush torture program. Click here

The Democratic leadership has been helping the White House behind the scenes to block any serious investigation of torture to avoid triggering an impeachment investigation and the disclosure of Democratic knowledge of the torture program. Conyers, however, is the wild card. Any impeachment move would be a direct confrontation with Pelosi. He would be lionized by Democratic activists, who have grown unhappy with Pelosi. Indeed, it may be difficult for Pelosi to survive such a public fight and to secure the votes needed next Congress to be renewed as Speaker. It is worth watching.

Democrat or Repug, there's a lotta people who need to take their lumps. They know they done bad. Grin and bear it, bitchez.

Go get 'em, John.

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