Saturday, February 16, 2008

What Price Glory?

Expanding on Fixer's post a little, here's a short graphic explanation of the Marine Corps mindset - Ah, their shirt fronts and cold steel'll see 'em through anything! And we got plenty more where those came from.

Either that or it's an old home movie of me...

I couldn't find any video of the later color remake with James Cagney, Dan Dailey, and the youngest Robert Wagner you'll ever see, but I highly recommend you should watch it. Lotsa humor and pathos both. Here's a plot summary of the 1926 version, but the later one's the same:

U.S. Marine sergeants Quirt and Flagg are inveterate romantic rivals on peacetime assignments in China and the Philippines. In 1917, W.W. I brings them to France, where Flagg, now a captain, takes up with flirtatious Charmaine, inn-keeper's daughter. Of course, Quirt has to arrive and spoil his fun. But the harsh realities of war and the threat of a shotgun marriage give the two men a common cause...

My favorite scene, and I think it's in both versions, is where a drunken Captain Flagg (Cagney, McLaglen) gets tossed out of a sidecar into a nice fresh pile of manure. It should happen once in a while to all officers. Might help keep 'em a little humble.

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