Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It doesn't matter ...

Lance Mannion put up a good post the other day that I meant to blog about. A lot of people won't vote for Hillary because of Bill's baggage and are afraid the Republican Noise Machine, The Mighty Wurlitzer, or whatever you want to call their propaganda apparatus, will be kicked into high gear and start dredging up the past. I suppose a vote for Obama might avert that eventuality but Lance doesn't think so:


This is not sour grapes. This is the way it's been going on for fifteen years now. And those of you who think that this is a good reason not to support her, so we can get away from this, those of you who think that Obama will somehow be able, through the sheer force of his personality or the beauty of his rhetoric or the wonderfulness that is him or through the plain fact that he is not a Clinton need to consider this very real possibility:

The reason he's a media darling now is because he's not a Clinton. He gives them a way to dump on the Clintons while congratulating themselves on how cool and post-partisan they are.

If and when Hillary's beaten and Obama's the nominee he becomes the Democrat running for President.

And you watch.


That's right. Be it Hillary or Barack, you need just think back to 1998. Be it an errant blowjob or a pic of him puffin' up a fattie, you can bet Drudge will have a flashing light alert up about it soon enough. Jesus couldn't escape it if he were running.

I voted for Hil, but it wouldn't bother me if Barack won. I just hope Barack is prepared for the tidal wave of bullshit coming his way if he does.

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