Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse Tonight

Tonight will be a good night to go outside and look up.

Tonight is the Full Wolf, Snow, Hunger, or Storm Moon, or Magh Poornima, depending on your cultural leanings. Probably a good night for magical work.

From the half-vast collection of reading material in my throne room:

FEBRUARY 20-21: total eclipse of the Moon. The entire eclipse can be seen from eastern and central North America. The Moon enters Earth's umbral shadow on February 20 at 8:43 P.M. EST, and the eclipse becomes total at 10:01 P.M. EST. Totality ends at 10:52 P.M. EST, and the umbral phase ends at 12:09 A.M. EST on February 21. The penumbral phase (only) will occur over western North America, at the time of moonrise; it will be difficult to see changes in the Moon's appearance. See Animation.

Funny how this works, but it's been beautifully clear here for the last several nights, and today, of course, it's snowing. I hope it clears up in time for me to see this celestial event.

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