Tuesday, February 5, 2008

McCain? Bring him on...

This piece by Josh Holland will make you feel better:

Once you crack the media myths surrounding him, it's unlikely voters are going to go for an angry, unstable, hypocritical warmonger.

This means that Democrats are not so much running against McCain, the candidate, as McCain, the myth. The Republican Party will be a serious obstacle for the Democratic nominee, but ultimately election 2008 will be as much a battle to overturn the conventional wisdom as it will be a fight with the senator from Arizona. It should be a source of some encouragement then that the progressive movement, with its blogs, social-networking space and alternative media outlets, is far better prepared to fight and win that kind of battle than it has been at any other time in recent memory.

The popular "straight-talking" McCain? Bring him on. We have eight months to chip away at a leviathan of spin.

I still think, reinforced by McCain's temper and age, that he might just blow his head gasket before election day, although it would be fine with me if he just develops a leaky bottom end, as long as it's on camera. The eventual, er, outcome? Depends.

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