Friday, February 1, 2008

The New McAxis of Evil

Hot Off The Trail

It's an understatement to say that conservatives are not happy that John McCain has emerged as the front-runner for the Republican nomination.

"The Republican Party has been hijacked," says the article.

What, again? Put some locks on that thing, guys.

"Over the past month a new Axis of Evil has emerged - not one based in Damascus, Tehran or Pyongyang - but instead in Cedar Rapids, Charleston, South Carolina, Derry, New Hampshire and Boca Raton, Florida. It is the liberal and “independent” voters in these 4 states that have nearly completed a deed that makes Kim Jong Il envious -the near crippling of the American Electoral System.

"These four states have combined their native liberal populism with an imported liberal electorate and have forced the GOP to accept a nominee so distasteful that in more than one poll -- the numbers of voters choosing not to vote and those choosing to vote third party actually exceed those who will hold their nose and vote for Maverick, War Hero, Amnesty Supporter, John McCain."

My advice to those who think McCain is too liberal - just stay home on election day.

Heh. I said "McCain is too liberal"! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!


From News Hounds, who watch FOX so we don't have to:

Boombox” Ann Coulter joined Sean Hannity for a fit of John McCain-bashing on Hannity & Colmes last night (1/31/08). With her garish make-up and tight sweater, the middle-aged Coulter was childishly agog with hyperactive anticipation for all the attention she calculated she’d garner from her latest ploy: an announcement that she’d vote for Hillary Clinton if McCain gets the nomination. One of her reasons? “He led the fight against – you say interrogations, I say torture!” With video.

Of course, it assumes that Coulter would manage to vote lawfully in the first place, something she has had trouble with in the past.

Damn! My sides hurt and I'm having trouble catchin' my breath!

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