Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Death of 108-Year-Old Man Leaves Only One Living Veteran of World War I
He's currently serving in Iraq.

McCain Proves Himself to Conservatives
He shoots a gay abortion doctor who is here illegally.

Oliver Stone Will do “Unbiased” Movie About Bush Presidency
Working title: “The Empire Strikes Out.”

U.S. Tries to Stay Out of Dispute Between Venezuela, Exxon Mobil
Despite being wholly owned subsidiary of Exxon Mobil.

Study: Chimps Reluctant to Barter Goods
Leery of free trade without regulations, safeguards.

Amsterdam May Close Red Light District
City leaders in talks with Disney.

Gee, kinda like Las Vegas. There goes the neighborhood...

And finally, some "news you can use":

Knee-Brace Harnesses Power of Walking to Generate Electricity
Which powers backpack beer cooler.

I recommend knee-pads for knee-walkin' and a pillow on yer face for when the thing quits generatin'...

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