Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One less Bush Dog ...

This interests me more than the Presidential races. It's time to get the 'Lieberman Democrats' out of Congress and this is the first step:

U.S. Rep. Albert R. Wynn (D) conceded a short time ago after losing to Prince George's County lawyer Donna F. Edwards.

Wynn, who had served in the 4th District for eight terms, had been targeted by an aggressive advertisement campaign, funded in part with hundreds of thousands of dollars from national labor groups and liberal organizations. The effort apparently convinced voters that Wynn had fallen out of step with his overwhelmingly Democratic district during his 15 years in Congress.


Congrats to Donna and her supporters. That's one less Dem vote for stupid and dangerous Republican/Neocon policy initiatives. We learned yesterday, what happens if we let these cowardly, bought-off assholes remain in office.

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