Friday, February 22, 2008

Please let him stay ...

As Gord noted previously, things ain't working out the way the Chimp envisioned so now they're resorting to begging:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan _The Bush administration is pressing the opposition leaders who defeated Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to allow the former general to retain his position, a move that Western diplomats and U.S. officials say could trigger the very turmoil the United States seeks to avoid.

U.S. officials, from President Bush on down, said this week that they think Musharraf, a longtime U.S. ally, should continue to play a role, despite his party's rout in parliamentary elections Monday and his unpopularity in the volatile, nuclear-armed nation.


"Please, please let him stay. We'll give ya more money." I wonder if they're gonna say the same thing in January when it's time for the Chimp to go?

Still debating whether or not to attempt to go to work this morning.

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