Thursday, February 14, 2008

Quote of the Day

Mike Celizic via vastleft:


And after several hours of watching our elected representatives posing, posturing, blustering and thundering, the viewer was left with little wonder that Congress has a lower approval rating than cockroaches. They’ve had 35 years to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and we still don’t have a comprehensive policy. We’ve just had a report that Lake Mead may go dry in 13 years, and they’ve done nothing to curb unsustainable growth in that region. Yet they have leisure aplently to quiz a guy who throws a baseball — a professional entertainer, for pete’s sake — about how he came by his skills. While some asked tough questions of the baseball hero among them, others fawned over him as if he were Desmond Tutu. [my em]


Word ...

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