Sunday, February 10, 2008

So, once again ...

The American people might not play any significant part in the decision of who represents us:

WASHINGTON — Seeing a good possibility that the Democratic presidential nomination will not be settled in the primaries and caucuses, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are lavishing attention on a group that might hold the balance of power: elected officials and party leaders who could decide the outcome at the convention in August.


Known as superdelegates because they are free to cast their votes at the convention as they see fit, they are the object of an intensifying and potentially high-stakes charm offensive by the candidates and their supporters.


And they wonder why, generally, about half the population couldn't give a shit about voting. There are so many places in the process where the fix can be put in, it really doesn't matter what we think anymore.


Not that I'm a big fan of Donna Brazile, but I have to hand it to her on her principled stand:

... "if it gets to the convention and superdelgates decide the nomination, I'm leaving the party."

Yeah, I'll have a big problem with it myself.

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