Tuesday, February 12, 2008

So ...

There is no accountability in America anymore ... well, except for us folks who can't afford to buy off our representatives. If I set up hidden cameras in my neighbor's 16 year old daughter's bedroom in the name of 'national security', I'd be cooling my heels at Ossining for 7 1/2 to 15. Instead of my charitable giving, I shoulda dropped 20 grand to get my senators elected. Fucking scumbags:

The Senate today -- led by Jay Rockefeller, enabled by Harry Reid, and with the active support of at least 12 (and probably more) Democrats, in conjunction with an as-always lockstep GOP caucus -- will vote to legalize warrantless spying on the telephone calls and emails of Americans, and will also provide full retroactive amnesty to lawbreaking telecoms, thus forever putting an end to any efforts to investigate and obtain a judicial ruling regarding the Bush administration's years-long illegal spying programs aimed at Americans. The long, hard efforts by AT&T, Verizon and their all-star, bipartisan cast of lobbyists to grease the wheels of the Senate -- led by former Bush 41 Attorney General William Barr and former Clinton Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick -- are about to pay huge dividends, as such noble efforts invariably do with our political establishment.



And I spoke to soon. At least about giving Dianne Feinstein shit over her vote on this prematurely. She actually did the right thing. An apology is in order and I offer it without condition:


“I have decided to vote against the FISA Bill before the Senate. This is not an easy decision because I strongly believe that we need to modernize the law relating to the gathering of foreign intelligence, and I support many of the provisions in the Senate bill.

However, I believe this bill didn’t do enough to protect against the assertion of executive power. I have said on many occasions that without the additional language to strengthen and tighten the exclusivity already in FISA, I could not support final passage.



And, as usual, when I look for a line to sum it all up, I generally look to UL:

... McCain voted with the Republicunts, because he's a straight talking maverick who bucks the party line ...

The Founders weep.

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