Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sounds about right ...

Mixter has a premonition:


McCain wins the GOP nomination. Clinton wins the Dem nomination.

Clinton wins the election; Gee Dubs starts WWIII before she takes office.

That's my call.


I've said for a while now, Bush and the neocons won't leave quietly.


I was reading a post at the Swedish Meatballs (not work-safe) during my regular flyby through there and realized our brother Lurch did a treatment on it the other day and I forgot to blog about it (pothead). I'm stealing some quotes from Meatball but I'm going to send you to it through Lurch's page because I believe both posts should be read. This is so related to the snip I took from Mixter this morning:


What happened in Millennium Challenge is that the Navy brass picked a prickly retired USMC vet named Paul van Ripen to play the Iranian commander facing a naval incursion--and van Riper, with nothing but small speedboats, civilian prop planes, and low-tech surface-to-surface missiles, managed to sink two-thirds of the US force by buzzing them with annoying but not openly hostile civilian craft, then attacking simultaneously with everything he had.


Of course Cheney or whoever else ordered the fleet into a shallow deathtrap like the Gulf was playing the same sleazy game, just with a bigger budget. The only possible reason to send a US fleet close to the Iranian coastline right now is that Cheney and his friends are desperate to provoke a war with Iran fast, before they have to leave office.


Look for more little 'incidents' the closer we get to Election Day. I don't put it past Bush to try and pull a 'Giuliani' and try to overstay his term if this 'Cold War' we're fighting with Iran heats up.

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