Monday, February 18, 2008

We'll take the money ...

If you ever wondered about what kind of man John McCain is, just read this:

WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain’s campaign advisers will ask the White House to deploy President Bush for major Republican fund-raising, but they do not want the president to appear too often at his side, top aides to Mr. McCain said Sunday.


But even as the consensus was that Mr. McCain needed to “stand in the sun” on his own, as one adviser put it, without the large shadow cast by Mr. Bush, left unsaid was the difficult calculus the McCain campaign faces: Using Mr. Bush enough to try to make the tough sell of Mr. McCain to conservatives but not so much that he will drive away the independents and some moderate Democrats that Mr. McCain is counting on in November.


Of course, McCain doesn't want you to know he's a Bush clone, but he sure as hell will take the money Bush can raise for him. Quid pro quo much? McCain as President will be no different than the last 8 years of Bush.

War hero, you say? I say the best part of John McCain was washed down a drain in the Hanoi Hilton.

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