Wednesday, March 5, 2008

All in it together ...

No one can tell me the corporate media isn't in cahoots with the Rethuglicans. That relationship has cost a good journalist her job:

KKOB Radio afternoon drive time news anchor Laura MacCallum quit her job last Thursday after the station’s news director pulled her stories about alleged vote-buying efforts at the recent Bernalillo County Republican Party delegate nominating conventions.


Nicole adds:


But here’s the best part: one of the reasons cited by the station manager for not running the story is because it “would have been picked up by bloggers” and other news agencies if it was valid.


These are the same people who take their talking points from Drudge. The bright side is they're scared of us. I love it how, over the last decade, the media takes it upon themselves (with coaching from the Rethugs) to decide what we should see and what we don't.


Greenwald is thinking along the same lines:


Oh, absolutely. Nothing changes press behavior more than accusations that they're "in the tank" for someone. After all, it's only been eight short years since the national press corps fell in love with then-candidate George W. Bush, depicted him as the swaggering, friendly, regular, down-home American male with whom you'd want to have a beer -- unlike that pompous, annoying, boring liar, Al Gore.

Once they got him elected, they then proceeded to click their heels and loyally salute for the next several years or so in the presence of the manly Commander-in-Chief War Hero, as they unquestioningly marched behind him into Iraq, mindlessly trumpeting every word that came out of his mouth, too afraid (according to the NYT's Elisabeth Bumiller) even to ask him questions, and abdicating every basic journalistic duty to such an extent that they voluntarily inflicted on the country what Salon's Gary Kamiya called "one of the greatest collapses in the history of the American media."

After that, they swooned in unison over how manly and powerful the Leader was when he pranced around that aircraft carrier declaring -- five years ago -- that we had Won the War. They then spent the 2004 election season glorifying the Conquering War Hero while mocking his opponent as a wind-surfing, flip-flopping, French subversive loser and his running mate as a vain, hair-obsessed, effeminate weakling. The next few years were spent overlooking, justifying and dismissing away revelations that the President had tortured people, broken the law repeatedly, spied on Americans without warrants, promulgated theories of presidential omnipotence, sent detainees to other countries to be abused, and had his top officials repeatedly and transparently lie to Congress.


And on it goes for your 'liberal media'. By the time the Dem primary is settled, McCain will have been the one to fly CAP* for Jesus when he walked on the water and provided air cover for George Washington when he crossed the River Delaware.

*Combat Air Patrol

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