Thursday, March 6, 2008

Apocalypse Denver? Sadly, probably not

Scholars & Rogues

Well, well, well. Look at the snarling beast that’s threatening to rear its head this summer in Denver:

Still, the anonymous veteran in Perlstein’s post raises an interesting idea. I mean, rule of law is a wonderful thing, but it serves those who make the laws. What if people who have simply had enough of the same-old-same-old were to run amok at the DNC like they did in 1968?

It’s worth noting that the elites in both parties have collaborated, for the past seven years, on the greatest campaign of terror the US has seen since McCarthy. Yes, al Qaeda gave Americans a good goosing, but their impact was nothing compared to the resulting 24/7 fearfest visited on the citizenry by the Republican and Democratic parties ever since. A terrified public has been good for the elites because fear makes people manageable, malleable, herdable. In short, we’re in an era where the people are afraid and their leaders are not.

How’s that working out for you, America?

But hordes of angry rabble rampaging through the streets in protest, that would have to be at least a little scary, you’d think. And I wonder how a bit of genuine fear might impact the official actions of serial malfeasers (is that a word?) like Pelosi, Clinton, Reid, Reyes, and 99% of the Republican Party. Hard to say, but what are they going to do about it? Suspend habeas corpus? Conspire with their corporate allies to illegally wiretap the public? Start outing CIA agents? Invade nations that had nothing to do with 9/11?


I'd fuckin' love to see '68 redux in Denver! Trouble is, there's no draft, no big societal change goin' on, no mass student movement against the war, nobody much against anything to speak of enough to get off their dead asses and go do it.

More's the pity. This country is in a lot more danger from within than it was back then.

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