Thursday, March 20, 2008

Devil with a blue dress, revisited ...

I did a double-take when I heard it this morning:

When you read this story, you have to play back in your mind the vision of Brian Ross getting the release of Hillary Clinton's personal First Lady schedule, flipping through his heavily dog-eared copy of the Starr Report, and studiously matching up dates. All the while approving the clip art of the semen-stained dress and Lewinsky, making sure it all fit in the frame, etc. [Brain bleach*, please - F.]

You could bust a guy for sexual deviancy just for the work it took to produce this swill.


So, what was the first Mrs. McCain doing the first time 'Big' John started cheating on her with the current Mrs. McCain? Just askin' ...

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Devil with a Blue Dress medley

*Not for Hil or Monica, but the vision of Brian Ross with his pants around his ankles, flogging himself furiously.

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