Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Emphatically Unsolicited Advice for the Democratic Campaigns

Rachel Maddow, whom I adore:

Dear Potential Democratic Presidential Nominees:

In January 1941, at a time when the world was at war and the United States was more threatened than we had ever been in our history, FDR stood before the US Congress and hailed freedom from fear. That remains the paradigm of Democratic leadership in a threatening world.

When a politician looks at risks to our country and sees an opportunity for political exploitation, rather than an opportunity to rally the nation around our unified strength and fearlessness, that politician spits in the face of Democratic leadership and patriotic values.

If there's one thing we ought to have learned from the George W. Bush presidency, it's that there's a difference between Democrats and Republicans on whether the American people should be encouraged to cower in fear.

If you don't get that fundamental difference between Democratic values and Republican values right now? You shouldn't get the Democratic nomination for President. In fact, you probably should get the freak out of the Democratic party.

Your humble servant,


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