Thursday, March 27, 2008

The fruits of my research...

As you may know I will stoop very low overcome any obstacle in my never-ending quest to research subject matter. Besides, when Fixer's away, this ol' mouse will play!

Whilst researching the BAR for the post a couple down, I came across this one:

I counted 19 rounds. Now put yer hand on the barrel, stud...

That was just a tease. Here's one with a history and demonstration of the Tommy gun and the BAR. About 5 minutes. This one shows what firing the BAR is really like. Note how the shooter walks the rounds in from a coupla hundred yards almost to her feet! Heh.

Now the 'stooping' part. Here's one that I have retitled from a phrase common in my motorcycle club days, "Duck! It's another drunk broad with a gun!".

See? I told ya automatic weapons are fun!

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