Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Matthews fellates McCain, obviously ...

Lardass is getting so low that he doesn't even care about it being obvious anymore. Gord wrote about 'Pastor' Hagee's endorsement of McCain, and McCain's apparent endorsement of Hagee, yesterday. As Amato points out, if this bigoted asshole endorsed Hillary or Obama, Mattews would have been in a froth.

... I didn’t think Tweety would give the Hagee story a mention. He brought up the name of Farrakhan numerous times when he talked about Obama and was all over Hillary today, but still silence on Hagee ...

Yeah, Chris can't get the words past McCain's balls. All the pundits are showing their true colors now that the general election race is getting closer. Can't upset the Rethug money machine, can we?


Howie "The Whore" Kurtz gets in on the suckfest:


So according to Kurtz, the media has given "scant attention" to the Obama/Farrakhan matter even though Obama has never had anything to do with Farrakhan, and "little pickup" to the fact that Obama met once (ten years ago) with two Chicago law professors who were Weather Underground members 40 years ago. But the most beloved media figure in decades, John McCain, this week openly embraces one of the most extreme haters in the country, says how "honored" and "proud" he is to have his endorsement, and that still hasn't made Howie Kurtz's column.


They're all lined up to kiss the prom queen ... so to speak.

Off to work.

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