Monday, March 3, 2008

McCain Gets Into Bed with the Religious Right

People For The American Way

In his effort to curry favor with conservative Republican activists, John McCain has worked hard to cuddle up to Religious Right leaders. But voters should know who exactly he’s been courting.

I just love the sexual references! McCain has obviously adopted a, er, wider stance in his efforts to get the christofascist ragged fringe up his in his camp.

This week McCain campaigned with Rod Parsley, founder and president of “The Center for Moral Clarity” and leader of the right-wing “Patriot Pastors” (a church based campaign that was infamous for referring to political opponents as “secular jihadists,” the “forces of darkness,” and the “hordes of hell.”)

Just yesterday, he accepted the support of John Hagee, founder of “Christians United For Israel” and a vocal supporter of preemptive, religious war with Iran.

Rod Parsley, whom McCain has called a “spiritual guide” has in the past:

Called hate crimes legislation a “deceptive ploy of [the] liberal, homosexual agenda.”


Not one to make a right-wing supporter feel left out, McCain said, “I am very proud to have Pastor John Hagee’s support.” Hagee has:

Several, but one I've never heard of before:

Claimed that George Washington designed the Great Seal of the United States to include a hidden menorah in the eagle’s tail feathers.

There's such a thing as 'just plain crazy', and then there's 'batshit crazy'. McCain sure knows how to pick 'em.

“For a man the media loves to call a maverick, McCain sure spends a lot of time holding hands with the Religious Right,” said People For the American Way Political Director Mary Jean Collins. “McCain’s embracing Parsley and Hagee is a sign that either he’s changed his mind about what constitutes an ‘agent of intolerance’ or he’s decided that a little extremism in pursuit of power is no vice.”

I think McCain knows he's going to lose, and is hoping against hope that he can pull it out of his ass if he gets enough lunatic fringies on his side.

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