Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Melanie Morgan Canned from KSFO

While I absolutely agree with Fixer in his assessment of Big Biz control of the media and the regrettable loss of a good journalist, and the Lord knows there's not many of them, sometimes there's an upside:


Melanie Morgan canned from KSFO

Morgan, 51, delivered her final broadcast there today after 14 years at the microphone, she says in a news release. KSFO owner Citadel Broadcasting decided not to renew her contract as part of the company’s announced across-the-board financial cost cutting.

I'll bet the skank sues for revealing her age! Heh.

The 'cost cutting' excuse is the corporate equivalent of 'wants to spend more time with her family'.

Go see what Spocko, the San Francisco blogger who’d convinced advertisers to pull their accounts from KSFO by reposting controversial sound clips from Morgan and her cohosts, has to say about Morgan’s layoff.

This a case where a little grassroots action against wingnut vitriol paid off. As long as yer bullshit's makin' money, you're gold. When it fucks with the bottom line, hit the bricks.

This does not make up for the loss of an actual journalist, and there's lots more hateful wingnut radio assholes, but it's something at least.

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