Saturday, March 8, 2008

Morality. Heh ...

It's nice when you can fuck your own:

Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., allegedly defrauded dozens of pro-life organizations for hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund his first congressional bid, according to an analysis of the recent indictment against him, a state insurance claim and an interview with an insurance lawyer involved in the case.

Yup, the party of 'moral values' spits up another one. And I love the people who say McCain would be their second choice to Obama. Are you masochists? Are you that gullible? Are you that stupid?

Regardless of Hillary's baggage, her nasty campaign, anything you want to name, either Dem in the Presidency is better than McCain, period. We cannot take another four years of Republicans like this. America can't withstand it.

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