Monday, March 10, 2008

MSNBC to De-Twit

Raw Story

According to TVNewser, MSNBC will announce the dismissal of talk host and political pundit Tucker Carlson.

"Maybe MSNBC has realized that swinging to the Right to try and shake out Fox News for viewers isn't a winning strategy," opines The Bilerico Project's Alex Blaze. "Or maybe they realized that at least half their commentators should accept the reality that white men aren't oppressed. Or maybe they think that people don't want to watch a bully wannabe talk about his fun days of beating up [gays]. Or maybe they got tired of his history of abusing the rules of logic, evidence, and reality."

Whatever it was, I'll take it as a step in the right direction.

Agreed, and the next step in the right direction will include the words "Rachel Maddow", oh please please please...



The bow tie is out at MNSBC. David Gregory is replacing Tucker Carlson as host of a one-hour show each evening.

The news network is making a handful of changes to respond to heavy political interest. Gregory's new show is called 'Race for the White' and will be on each weekday at 6 p.m. starting next Monday.

MSNBC also says that Andrea Mitchell will anchor an hour each afternoon. Keith Olbermann's popular 'Countdown' program will rerun every night at 10.


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