Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Crazy Redneck Music Blogging

Wanda Jackson (bio) is one of my favorite singers from my youf. She still is.

The video is from the PBS documentary "The Women Of Rockabilly", but a good bit of the b&w TV is from Town Hall Party, which was on live from Long Beach*, California, for years. When I was a kid, I'd stay up after the parental units retired and sneak downstairs and watch it. I might have seen this live.

*In my research, I discovered a discrepancy. The sources say it was done in Compton. I remember it as being from Long Beach. Mox nix. The two towns aren't very far apart. I'd like to see 'em do a show like this from Compton these days! Heh.

One of the featured artists who was a big influence on Ms. Jackson is the late Rose Maddox. I met her several years ago at a bluegrass festival and told her that I used to watch her on THP. She looked me right in the eye and said, "That was a helluva long time ago!". Yep.

Prepare to be entertained and ed-joo-kay-ted. Enjoy.

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