Thursday, March 27, 2008

Surreal ...

Yesterday was the most surreal day I've ever had aboard a cruise ship.

As I was making this post yesterday, and email popped in my inbox. It was from my brother-in-law and as soon as I saw his name, I knew what it was. Mrs. F can read me better than anyone and all she said was "what's wrong?"

I had to tell the Mrs that her mother passed away at 0200 Wednesday morning. Now, regular readers know this was not unexpected. Mom-in-law has been on hospice care since August of last year and we planned for this contingency. A few calls on the sat phone to Dad-in-law assured us that everything was being handled according to plan (a word of advice, do not call ship to shore unless it's absolutely necessary; God it's fucking expensive). That accomplished, we continue on.

Being three days from land when we got the news and Dad-in-law is adamant we don't cut our vacation short, we took yesterday to pay our respects privately. Being Jewish, she'll be buried on Friday and there's no way we could have made it home for the funeral anyway.

I know we have some of the most generous readers here at the Brain, and though not necessary, in lieu of flowers or the like, a donation to Sloan Kettering Cancer Center would be appreciated if you're inclined to do something. Thanks in advance if you do.

I'll be back to regular blogging this afternoon with a drunken tour of Queen Mary 2 once I finish my breakfast and a cigarette on deck.

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