Saturday, March 8, 2008

Women's Day

As Gord pointed out below, da wimmens don't get enough credit for what they do. Were Mrs. F not Jewish, she'da been nominated for sainthood already for putting up with me. There are a group of women though, suffering directly as a result of our actions. Over at Gorilla's Guides, they bring the story of four of Iraq's war widows, doing what they have to in order to eke out some sort of existence.

Eighty-two percent of the 2.4 million people displaced inside Iraq are women and young children under the age of 12. Many mothers have lost their husbands in the sectarian violence that has torn the nation apart. But in the face of adversity, they are proving to be true heroines.

These stories, collected by women’s organisations in Iraq ahead of International Women’s Day on March 8, give a rare insight into how Iraqi widows are helping their families survive while retaining their dignity in times of extreme suffering.


Our hands are permanently stained with these people's blood. Our faux Christians here like to talk a lot about sin. What we've done to Iraq is one of the biggest sins we, as a nation, have ever committed.

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