Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Exactly right ...

For a while now, I've cautioned against too much optimism about the Dems' chances in November. Were the candidates to be judged on equal merits, I would say the Dem candidate would be a shoo-in compared to McCain. Thing is, we have the Democratic Party added to the mix and that's like leaving the door wide open for failure.


The article says there is at least one big Hillary donor who doesn't want to spend money for the party unless Clinton's the nominee. And I have also heard that Obama donors don't want to fund any efforts that will be construed as "negative" for fear it will blow back on his campaign. Whatever the reasons, and I suspect it's complicated, this is the stupidest damned thing I've heard yet. It's almost as if the Democrats want to lose.

I don't care which candidate they are supporting in the primary, taking on John McCain will benefit their candidate if he or she wins. Surely they are all maxed out by now, so this is the logical place to put their money either way.

All of this might make some sense if McCain didn't have this ridiculously cozy relationship with the press that's been solid as a rock for more than a decade. He is going to be terribly difficult to redefine. It will take everything they have to do it. And if they don't do it, he could very well win this thing even if he is as old as Methuselah and has the campaign style of a pet rock.


Maybe the Hillary and Obama supporters should stop the swipes at each other and look at the big picture. It doesn't matter who wins the nom if they're just gonna give the race away to McCain and the Rethugs.

Think about it, twits, because this is the mindset a lot of Dem voters have:


I was talking to a staunchly liberal friend of mine over the week-end who told me that he really didn't worry about the primary because if the party is damaged and McCain wins, it will probably be ok. The reason: he's not stupid like Bush or crazy like Cheney. After I picked up my brains from the floor and put them back in my head, still reeling from the explosion, I tried to explain how that was wrong. It was pulling teeth and I don't think I succeeded. He just likes the guy and doesn't believe he's really capable of being as bad as Bush because he "thinks for himself" and isn't a GOP lackey.


I can't believe people still swallow this shit.

Listen to me. McCain is a moron and the best part of him ran down a drain in the Hanoi Hilton. There is nothing good (he's a hypocrite, panderer, and adulterer), nothing heroic about John McCain. He was a cowboy fighter pilot who got himself shot down because he refused to follow procedure. He had the bad luck to get himself captured and he spent the war in jail. While I abhor his treatment at the hands of the Vietnamese, none of his experiences made him qualified to run a country (I would even propose his experiences make him less qualified), let alone a war.

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