Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm late ...

My intarwebs were down this morning and I just got everything up again (I hate fixing shit before I go to work). That said, here's a post to give you a smile.

I'm a peaceful, laid back guy. "Live and let live (but don't fuck with me or I'll make your life miserable, bitch)," has been the motto I've chosen to live by and it has served me well. I would never wish harm upon anyone. But there are some people the world could do without. Hitler is one example. And of course, Timothy Goebel whose less than perfect triple lutz in the 2002 Sydney games disgraced our country by only garnishing a bronze metal. But my disdain for Goebel will have to wait for another post.

If Ann Coulter were to die tragically how would it go down? In order to feel better about a world where such a human could exist, I composed a list I thought would be the most fitting and/or most comedic ways for her to move on to that big cable news circuit in the sky.


Off to work ...

Great thanks to the wonderful Maru for the link.

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