Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Milagro Beanfield War

I am so sick of the wall-to-wall coverage of the Democratic campaign. For once David Brooks is right: "...they couldn't manage a bordello in a gold rush", and all the rest of the news is same shit, different day, so I decided to do something a little different today until my brain quits throwing up. This isn't actually all that different from what we usually do around here in terms of railing against social injustice, corrupt politics, and Big Biz.

I was reading earlier about the increased use of food stamps in the current recession, and I got to rememberin' a hilarious scene in The Milagro Beanfield War where el anciano Amarante buys bullets for his ancient .44 hand cannon with them. He does this in the local cantina and general store after a few shots of mezcal while the bartender/storekeeper tells him in exasperation, "you can't do that!". He does, though, and then proceeds with an amazing display of marksmanship, somewhat to the dismay of the other patrons.

I looked at YouTube to see if I could find that particular scene, but I din't, so here's a vid of clips from the movie. Amarante is the old gentleman in the black suit and he appears a coupla times. A true revolutionary, and an inspiration to us old farts.

I've read the book and seen the movie (many times) and I highly recommend both. I think the movie has an amazing cast. Please go read about the video.

And lest I forget, I think Sônia Braga is gorgeous! Enjoy.

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