Thursday, April 3, 2008

St. Lucia

I wasn't impressed with St. Lucia at all. Yes, it's a quaint, pretty island, but it's getting like Jamaica (I'll do a post on that one day). If you want my advice about staying at a Caribbean resort, stick to the Dutch islands. If it's a stop on a cruise itinerary, it's not a deal wrecker, but I wouldn't bother going ashore the next time.

And just a note, I'm sorry about not commenting much but Cunard Line is charging me $30/hour for wifi and it's slower than shit to begin with. In St. Thomas today and we'll be heading back to NYC tonight, arriving Sunday. I'll be back in form probably by Monday or Tuesday depending on the logistical nightmare left for us after mom-in-laws' passing and getting dad-in-law squared away.

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