Saturday, May 3, 2008


The North Shore Animal League is having its yearly Adopt-a-thon starting this morning:

In 1995, Pet Adoptathon began simply as a North Shore Animal League America adoption weekend, with the goal of finding homes for each dog and cat in the shelter. The first weekend in May was set aside and plans were made to stay open 36 hours straight. Local media was called and special fun activities were held under the big tent-all to call attention to the many dogs, cats, puppies and kittens at the League. And it worked! That weekend, over 500 needy pets were placed in excellent adoptive homes.

It became apparent that the overwhelming success had to be shared. Soon the League extended invitations to shelters everywhere to participate in Pet Adoptathon '96. That year, over 700 animal organizations joined together; the result was thousands more loving adoptions. And every year since, Pet Adoptathon has continued to grow. Last year, over 1,500 organizations participated all across the United States and around the globe. Twelve years later, Pet Adoptathon has fostered over 250,000 loving adoption worldwide.

This is a national event with many shelters participating nationwide. See if you can find it in your heart to help. Adopt a pet or make a donation. It's one of our favorite causes and our Shayna is an NSAL alumnus (Class of '98) too.

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