Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bill Richardson nails McSame

Mark Halperin

Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson released the followings statements expressing their opposition to the Bush-McCain Cuba policy outlined today:

You can go read Dodd. Here's part what mi gente Richardson had to say:

“John McCain doesn’t understand as well as Senator Obama and I do how the Castro regime works. John McCain — like George Bush — is afraid to talk to bad guys. He feels safer pretending to talk tough by hiding from them. Unfortunately ordinary people will pay for his lack of diplomatic skill. [...]

Have paid and will continue to pay if there is a Bush III.

Why the fuck are we so afraid of Cuba? Jeezus, if it were a real threat we could sink it! Oh, I remember - the Repugs make up stories and tell us who to be afraid of so we'll vote for them so they can protect us from boogeymen who don't exist.

I think what Repugs are really afraid of is pissin' off the expat Cuban voting bloc in Florida. They've counted on the 'fraidy cats and crazies for years. One less bunch of crazies could hurt them at the polls.

I want normal relations with Cuba. It's way past time, and I still want a '59 El Camino.

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