Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bush committed political treason today

There's nothing new about Bush committing treason, of course. He does it every day, but this time there's a strange twist on Godwin's Law - the Nazi is doing it.


President Bush went on foreign soil today, and committed what I consider an act of political treason: Comparing the candidate of the U.S. opposition party to appeasers of Nazi Germany -- in the very nation that was carved out from the horrific calamity of the Holocaust. Bush's bizarre and beyond-appropriate detour into American presidential politics took place in the middle of what should have been an occasion for joy: A speech to Israeli's Knesset to honor that nation's 60th birthday.

But here's what he said:

JERUSALEM (CNN) – In a particularly sharp blast from halfway around the world, President Bush suggested Thursday that Sen. Barack Obama and other Democrats are in favor of "appeasement" of terrorists in the same way U.S. leaders appeased Nazis in the run-up to World War II.

"Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along," said Bush, in what White House aides privately acknowledged was a reference to calls by Obama and other Democrats for the U.S. president to sit down for talks with leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"We have heard this foolish delusion before," Bush said in remarks to the Israeli Knesset. "As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American Senator declared: 'Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.' We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

As a believer in free speech, I think Bush has a right to say what he wants, but as a President of the United States who swore to uphold the Constitution, his freedom also carries an awesome and solemn responsibility, and what this president said today is a serious breach of that high moral standard.

A breach of our moral standard, that is. Bush has shown time and time again that he has none.

Mr. Bunch has a lot more to say and I suggest you read it. He closes with:

Today, it's a whole new ballgame. I believe this treacherous statement by a U.S. president in Israel is a signal to the Democrats in the House in Washington, that it's time to play its Constitutional role in ending this trauma, before even greater acts against the interest of America are wrongly committed in our name.

I heartily concur. Impeach the sonofabitch. Or whatever.


From 'comments' at the post:

As emptywheel points out over at FDL, Dubya's grandpa, Prescott Bush, was a Nazi Enabler. I'm "shocked" that Dubya didn't make reference to this in his speech.

Yeah. Shocked.

Update the 2th:

In the 'prepared text' of the Chimp's speech in the WSJ, he refers to Israel's '120th anniversary'. That punk motherfucker is dumber'n a post and a constant embarrassment to America.

Update the 3th:


Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama accused President Bush on Thursday of launching a "false political attack" with a comment about appeasing terrorists and radicals.

Said McCain: "This does bring up an issue that we will be discussing with the American people and that is why does Barack Obama, Senator Obama, want to sit down with a state sponsor of terrorism?"

Jesus Fucking Christ, you senile old moron, sometimes you have to talk with some pretty unsavory characters to get things done. More than once in my own checkered past I've talked to bikers and dope dealers, often the same person, and I never had any problems. I also had a revolver in my hip pocket just in case, but so did they.

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