Tuesday, May 13, 2008

CA-04 FeatherFest

American River Canyon is in rare form and tipped us off to this. Just go have some fun with CA-04 politics at the aptly named FeatherFest Parade. Many photos. Liquid alert!

Imagine you're me, going up to Oroville this fine Saturday morning to mess around the Festival, and you've got your spouse to come along, and your camera. You intend to kick back under a shade tree near the starting point, catch Charlie Brown as he goes by, then puddle around a bit foraging in the vendor booths. Approaching Butte County, you see a thick, nasty smog haze lurking over Table Mountain, so you use your asthma inhaler, just in case. You arrive in Oroville, and now need a potty break, so you go to a convenience store, come back to near the parade start, park on a side street, start walking down towards route again, and hope you haven't missed anything and see....
a Giant Bowling Pin walk by, followed by Doug Ose. Republican candidate for Congress, in CA- 04. One of the "Doesn't Live in the District" Republican Candidates for Congress.
Followed by Team Ose riding oil drum barrels towed by a 4 wheeler.
Followed by a Moving Van.
The moving van has what looks to be a .... Court Jester in front of it.
The Moving Van is towing a U-Haul trailer filled with children.


I can't make this stuff up.

It's not the Onion. It's my Congressional district. You remember, the one with one of the highest mortgage default rates in the country. In the state that President Bush told the EPA to stuff it when we asked permission to enact better fuel milage standards for cars.

I would like to commend ARC as well for taking his life in his hands by going to the methamphetamine capital of Northern California!

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