Friday, May 30, 2008

Correct ...

Though I think any moral authority we might have had has evaporated over the last 8 years. Turkana:


It's been a habit of the Democrats to let Republicans get away with their crimes. New administration, new Congress, move on, let bygones be bygones. It is imperative that the next Democratic president and the next Democratic Congress establish the principle that no one is above the law. Here's part of the reason why:

Earlier, Bolton had defended the US's right to launch pre-emptive nuclear attacks and to promote regime change or, if necessary, a military attack on Iran to prevent it acquiring nuclear weapons.

If people like Bolton aren't held accountable, not only will the U.S. continue to cede any moral authority on any human rights issues anywhere, but these same people will continue to turn up in other Republican administrations, ready and enabled to cause more crimes, more destruction, and more death.


If (big if) the next President is a Dem (unlike many others, I'm not convinced it will happen), priority #1 should be holding the members of the Bush administration accountable for their crimes. Probably won't happen, but it would do a lot to restore our credibility in the world (and do a lot to put the fear of god into the Rethugs).

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