Saturday, May 17, 2008

De furor over Der Führer continues

The Last Chance Democracy Cafe on Bush's 'appeasement' statement.

You have to give George W. Bush credit, in a “My, that leech certainly sucks blood well,” sort of way. Just when you think he can’t get any lower, he proves you wrong.

Every single time.

Consider, after all, the dreary parade of his past dishonor.

At this point, Steve considers the dreary parade of his past dishonor and marches it past us. A long parade, with plenty of elephant crap to sweep up.

But clearly I had underestimated the ingenuity of the Bush White House when it comes to finding new and even more pathetic forms of disgraceful conduct.

Yup, he’s done it: he’s found a way to sink even lower. He appeared before the parliament of a foreign nation, where partisan politics isn’t supposed to follow, and used the opportunity to accuse his political opponents of wanting to make love to terrorists. Pathetic. Simply pathetic.

You’ll have to forgive me, however, if I can’t quite summon up the energy required for the sort of no-holds-barred outraged response this clearly calls for: seven plus years of the Bush presidency has drained it out of me. So Bush said something offensive, moronic and disgusting. Well, I guess then this must be Thursday — or Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday, or Monday, or Tuesday or Wednesday.

On 'outrage':

To a significant extent it’s dead in me.

George W. Bush killed it. He drove it to an early grave through overwork.

I was outraged when Bush said this crap like most of us were, but my outrage level has subsided from a hot boil-over back down to its normal day-to-day simmer of anger at that punk and his mob.

I'm actually enjoying the reactions to his verbal spew. For years, the wingnuts have gone off the deep end when someone on the reality-based side has called these Nazis and Fascists Nazis and Fascists. Now it's our turn. Heh.

The wingnuts are solidly behind behind their little Chimperor, of course. As usual, they don't have a clue. If you haven't seen this video of Tweety's smackdown of one of 'em, well, yer TV's broke, so go see it. Matthews did his job for once, and he's not about to let anybody forget it! Ha! Priceless!

The Dem candidates Obama and Clinton have both done a solid job of refuting Bush's bullshit, and good for them. Many other Dems and even a few Repugs have done so as well.

The part that hasn't come up in the mainstream media yet, though it certainly has on the internets, is that Bush left himself wide open to an examination of his family's history of enabling Hitler for both ideology and profit. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a PBS special on it, but I do have a warm and fuzzy visual of Poppy Bush at the chiropractor getting his neck straightened back out and his mouth closed from all the head-shaking and jaw-dropping at his idiot spawn's outburst! Maybe even a major spinal adjustment from the heavy exertion of slamming all those closet doors over and over again to try and keep all the skeletons from getting out!

If the Dems play their cards right, Bush may have given all of us the gift that keeps on giving. A coupla more torpedoes like that into the floating hulk that is the hazard to navigation called the SS (heh) Repug and we may see a peaceful sea close over their crow's nest on 11.4.08.

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