Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Here's some fairly good news, if you can believe ol' Douchebag For Liberty:

Evangelicals, Huckabee allied to sink McCain?

An element of the Christian community is not reconciled to McCain's candidacy but instead regards the prospective presidency of Barack Obama in the nature of a biblical plague visited upon a sinful people. These militants look at former Baptist preacher Huckabee as 'God's candidate' running for president in 2012. Whether they can be written off as merely a troublesome fringe group depends on Huckabee's course.

Nevertheless, reports out of the evangelical community dispute Huckabee's support. One experienced, credible activist in Christian politics who would not let his name be used (He Whose Name Must Not Be Spoken! Heh. - G) told me Huckabee in personal conversation with him embraced the concept that an Obama presidency might be what the American people deserve. That fits what has largely been a fringe position among evangelicals, that the pain of an Obama presidency is in keeping with the Bible's prophecy.

Well, isn't that special! Or is it...SATAN?

Whatever. Let's pray, just this once, that one of those 'biblical prophecies' finally comes true. Remember the main premise of Christianity, at least as practiced by those with an agenda of control over the populace: Miracles yesterday, miracles tomorrow. Sorry, no miracles today.

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