Thursday, May 22, 2008

"He's out in the garage blowin' the shofar"*

Talk To Action has the most comprehensive article I've seen to date on McCain's despicable anti-semitic spiritual adviser Hagee. Commentary, beaucoup links, videos.

Two days ago I discovered that, according to John Hagee's own written words in Hagee's "Prophecy Study Bible", members of John Hagee's Christians United For Israel routinely sing, at their "Night To Honor Israel" events, a joyful-sounding song which, in scriptural terms, refers to Israel's coming, expected invasion and devastation. Building on my last discovery, of a John Hagee sermon in which John Hagee claims God sent Hitler and the Nazis, to chase Europe's Jews towards Palestine, and that Jews have dead (or non-living, inert) souls (see YouTube video towards the end of this post), this new finding helps solidify my case that Pastor John Hagee, who also has given a sermon espousing a crypto anti-Semitic conspiracy theory - of "international financial power brokers based in Europe", is an anti-Semite of the first magnitude.

I think we get that. Go see this only if you have a strong stomach.

Also see:

Psycho Christians and the media

Why the press gives McCain a pass for consorting with batshit holy men, but condemns Obama to talk-show hell for the same sin.

[...] The issue isn't that journalists share Hagee and Parsley's views so much as that they know that they are widely held, which makes them reluctant to acknowledge how truly outrageous they are. After years of nodding at the whacked-out likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, the media has, to borrow Daniel Patrick Moynihan's famous phrase, defined right-wing religious deviancy down. More or less "orthodox" Christian-right insanity, of the sort espoused by Hagee and Parsley, is familiar and normal, whereas black-church radicalism, with its ties to left-wing liberation theology, is not. [...]

The 'media' has a lot to answer for. They won't, and even if they did they'd never tell us about it.

*Punch line to a really old joke. If you don't know what a shofar is, you might not get it. It is not the liveried gent who drives the car. McCain, Hagee, the media - they're all blowin' each other.


Wow! I had no idea my post would be this powerful! Musta been the 'blowjob' reference. The Repugs are rightly a little sensitive about that stuff. Heh.

McCain rejects Hagee's endorsement

Out of political expediency McShame has done half the 'Wright' thing. Now for Parsley...

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