Friday, May 23, 2008

Incoming ...

This can't be good:

BAGHDAD - Iraq's most influential Shiite cleric has been quietly issuing religious edicts declaring that armed resistance against U.S.-led foreign troops is permissible — a potentially significant shift by a key supporter of the Washington-backed government in Baghdad.


Bad enough that this week our guys are being targeted by people who were on our payroll last week, now the big cheese has given his blessing to it. When I think about our troops having to operate in that kind of environment, where friends are 'allies of convenience' and could turn into enemies tomorrow, where the guy fighting next to you today will try to kill you tonight, it is surprising more GIs haven't gone over the edge.

It's time to go; not in a hundred years, not in 2013, yesterday.

Great thanks to Robert Farley for the link.

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